Friday, November 15, 2019

Julius Caesar Essay -- essays research papers fc

Julius Caesar’s legacy and attributes are just as robust today as they were in his time. From the time he took power to the time of his death he accomplished more than many other men would have done in a lifetime. He brought the Roman Empire to its height and from his death on, the Empire did nothing but fall. He was one of the world’s greatest leaders and probably the best. At the age of 15 Caesar became head of his family when his father died in 85bc. His family wanted him to pursue a religious career as the priest of Jupiter but Caesar had other plans. He wanted to dive head long into a political career. He took maters into his own hands when in 84bc he married Cornelia the daughter of one of Rome’s stronger leaders at the time, Cornelius Cinna (Schlesinger 30). Cinna took power in 82bc when Rome’s leader at the time Gaius Marius died. Marius was married to Caesar’s Aunt Julia. Marius was killed in battle with one of his great enemies Sulla. Soon after this battle Sulla died also, but he still had many allies. Marius had let Caesar help him while he was leader by doing small jobs. Caesar gained much experience while helping out Marius. When Caesar was 25 he set sail for the island of Rhodes. But, on the way a band of pirates captured the ship and kidnapped him. While his family was raising ransom money he was a very difficult guest for the pirates. He strolled boldly around their ship and pointed out weaknesses in their sword fighting technique and told them he would kill them all after he was released. They were entertained by this young man but did not believe the threat (Green 19). His family finally paid his ransom. Soon after it was paid, Caesar learned that the government was not going to take action and pursue the pirates. Caesar took matters into his own hands. He organized a fleet of ships, captured the pirates and crucified their whole gang. The news of this spread quickly, and Caesar was both admired and criticized for acting so quickly. By age 30, Caesar was making Sulla’s allies very worried. But 30 was not too young for a roman so full of ambition. In 69bc, Caesar was serving as governor in farther Spain, administering Roman laws to Spanish tribes and subduing those who resisted. He went to go see the statue of Alexander the Great in the city of Cadiz. Alexander was a leader who had conquered much of the world by the age of 30. Caes... ... he died, it is amazing to think of all that he accomplished in his life. Also it is amazing to think of all that he could have accomplished if he had lived. His legacy lived on through Octavius, who named himself emperor of Rome and like all roman emperors that followed he took the name of Caesar. If he had stayed alive the Roman Empire could have conquered all of the Eastern Hemisphere. Rome defiantly benefited from him. Rome was the most powerful nation at the time and would have stayed that way for much longer if Julius Caesar had not been murdered. Works Cited Green, Robert. Julius Caesar. New York. Franklin watts publishing company, 1996 May, Robin. Julius Caesar and the Romans. East Sussex. Wayland publishing, 1984 Schlesinger, Arthur M. Caesar. Boston. Chelsea house publishers, 1987 Suetonius. The lives of the 12 Caesar's. Willamstown, MA. Corner house publishers, 1987 Blooming, Mike H. â€Å"Hero or Villain† 6 April, 1995

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